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  • Travel quiz Travelmyne
  • Quiz: "Right or wrong? - 10 unbelievable facts across the globe!"

    Take part in our quiz and win a travel guide!


    You are at home in the world and know a lot? Then test your knowledge about the world of travel and win one of five travel guides to a destination of your choice! We give away 5 travel guides to the winners of our April quiz „Right or wrong – 10 unbelievable facts across the globe“.


    The quiz starts on the 1st of April 2015!


    That's how it works!


    1. Find the answer to the quiz

    2. Send your answer to us in an email or a Facebook message

    3. Like our Facebook page

    4. Wait for us to publish the answer on the 15th og April 2015

    You find more informationen in our Conditions of Participation.


    We have looked around and compiled 10 unbelievable travel facts from across the globe, 9 of which are true. One, however, is wrong. Find out which fact is untrue and send us your answer in an email or a Facebook message!


    10 unbelievable travel facts across the globe - Right or wrong?


    Travelmyne competition

    We hope you have fun with this quiz and wish you good luck ;-)


    Your prize - 5 travel guides of a destination of your choice

    Do you want to go to London, Paris, to the Caribbean or Saxon Switzerland? Your travel wishes are as varied and individual as you. That is why you can chose your prize. The winners simply tell us their desired location and we send them the travel guide to their favourite travel destination. Get a travel guide for your holiday in 2015 now!

    Win a travel guide


    Travelmyne on Facebook Don't forget to like us on Facebook. Like us now...

    You can ask us if you have any question about the quiz. Post your question in a comment, write us an email or send us a message on Facebook.

    Please note our Conditions of Participation.

    Win with Travelmyne!

    Do you know the answer? Then send us a message via email or on facebook, like our facebook page and you have the chance of winning a travel guide! And if you don't know your favourite travel destination yet, use our free travel destination search engine to find it.


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