• What is happening in the world?
  • What is happening in the world?

    The world is in constant movement and so are its inhabitants. It is hard to imagine what's all happening around the world at the exact same time - miles driven, tickets booked, meals eaten or goods produced - the amounts are simply unbelievable. As of now, we provide you with our new live world map, which gives you an overview about some very interesting figures. Come and be amazed.

  • Share Travelmyne on Facebook
  • Sharing travel destinations with friends

    Have you found your ideal travel destination using Travelmyne? Then share your result with friends and family on Facebook or Twitter with only one click. How does that work? It's simple!

  • Travel destination search in English
  • The English travel search is online!

    "In English, please!" - The English travel destination search...

    Our German travel destination search started almost two months ago. Now the English counterpart sets out into the WorldWideWeb. This way, all English speakers have the opportunity to use our travel destination search for their next dream holiday. Check it out!

  • Travel destination search Travelmyne
  • Travel destination search with Travelmyne.de

    It's all over town: Travelmyne.de! Are you still looking for a fitting travel destination for your next dream holiday? Then you have come to the right place! We present you with our German search engine which helps you find the perfect travel destination. Whether you want to go on a diving trip in Australia, winter holidays in the Dolomites or a cruise in the Caribbean - there is something for everyone. You simply put your individual travel preferences in the search mask and we show you the destinations which fit you best. There is no better way to start the best time of the year! Try it out and find your perfect travel destination in only a few minutes...

  • Countdown Travelmyne
  • The countdown has started

    We have put a lot of time, love for detail and new ideas into our project Travelmyne. Now is the time to welcome you and the world to our website. We are delighted to help you find your perfect travel destination from now on...

  • Travel destination Japan
  • The 100th travel destination!

    Egypt, Austria, Myanmar and Uruguay - we show you new, exciting and sometimes unexpected travel destinations every day. We want to share our first cornerstone with you, our 100th travel destination: Japan. Discover the "Land of the Rising Sun" with us.

  • Travelmyne.com
  • Let's travel in English!

    From now on, you can also discover our most beautiful travel destination on earth in English. On www.travelmyne.com, you find all our travel regions and holiday destination in the global language English. Have fun browsing!

  • Travelmyne
  • We are going online!

    At the beggining, it was just a thought but the idea grew. Why is there no website which helps you plan your holiday if you know what you want to do but you do not know where? Which is the best place for going skiing? Which beach in Italy is the best for a relaxed sunbath? And which city in Asia is the best for a city trip? The time has come for a novel search engine which finds your perfect travel destination - the time has come for Travelmyne!